Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What's on Lisa's mind...

We're three weeks in.  Half of me is excited about the money we've already raised, and the other half discouraged by the money that we haven't raised.  Our goal is $10,000, which Emily and I are ready to turn into $20,000.  Right now, we're just under $2,000.  Let me just remind everyone, we are going to DOUBLE whatever money you're willing to provide.  DOUBLE!  If you have change in your couch cushions we will turn it into dollars.  If you're willing to skip a few trips to Starbuck's we could turn $50 into $100 for you.  Please don't miss this opportunity!  We still need to bring in about $8,000 in the next seven days.  Want to know what Lisa will be thinking about during that time?  Here's a quote from her latest blog post:

Our Dossier will be sent to Ethiopia this Thursday and I am praying for it to get submitted to court asap and for us to be assigned a court date SOON.  I kind of REALLY want to go meet our son… and I am gettin real antsy people. Im talkin.. real antsy. Fingernails are gone... the cuticles are becoming non-existent, blood is not uncommon. I check my email every 40 seconds...

Adoption aint for the faint of heart friends. It’s somewhat grueling. But I know there is a sweet Prize at the end…

The truth is, Matt and Lisa are going to bring this baby boy home with or without our help.  He is already their son.  They're just jumping through the last few hoops at this point.  And if they had to sell their house to make it happen they would.  If God wants them to have this baby, we couldn't stop it if we wanted to.  But dream with me for a moment...  Twenty years from now, you run into Matt and Lisa, and they introduce you to their grown son, who's had an amazing childhood experience, grown up around friends and family who love him, and is just stepping out into the world as an adult ready to make things happen.  Imagine he takes your hand, and with more sincere appreciation in his eyes than you've ever seen in a human being, he says, "I'm here because of your generosity.  If I had remained in Ethiopia, there is a good chance I would not be alive today.  Thank you for my life."  I think that would rock your world.  Is this thing to happen if you don't send any money at all?  Of course.  Matt and Lisa won't let it not happen.  But would you want to miss out on that experience?  I hope you don't.  Please get a check in the mail today.

For instructions on how to give, see part one of this blog and scroll to the bottom of the page.

- Jeff

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