Sunday, January 15, 2012


First time here?  Read Part 1 for the story then come back here.

I just read that one out of every six children born in Ethiopia won’t live to see their fifth birthday.  One out of six!  That's insane! There is a desperate need for basic food, clean water, and medicine. Removing a child from an orphanage, providing them with a family and a future, also frees up a bed in that orphanage for another orphan.

If you help Matt and Lisa bring one home, you also help free up another bed in an orphanage for a child who might currently be living on the street, or maybe even about to be dumped in the street.  A child who's probably the one out of six who's otherwise not going to make it.

Remember, Emily and I are matching every donation up to a total of $10,000 between now and the end of January 2012.  That means you have two weeks left to mail a check and watch it multiply.  So far we've received amounts as small as $10 and as large as $500.  No amount is too big or too small.  We are going to double whatever you donate!  We still have a long way to go so please don't wait until the last minute.  It's not often you get to write a check for $1,000 and watch it become $2,000.  I double-dog dare you.

For instructions on how to donate, visit Part 1 again and scroll to the bottom.  Help us bring one home.

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